Teaching & Learning through the 2024 Election Season & Beyond

A team of staff and faculty are working together to coordinate events and resources related to the fall elections. This work builds upon our institutional mission, graduate qualities, and values for building community and sense of belonging. Themes of the work include opportunities to learn about the policy issues and election process, voter engagement, civil discourse, and support for mental wellbeing and resiliency. These topics are not isolated to this one point in time, and work is planned to continue the narratives of civil discourse, understanding our political systems and current issues, and supporting the wellness of all members of our community beyond November. 

Below are resources, internal and external, and campus events planned around these themes. The planning team also encourages members of the campus community to share events and work with us to support cross-campus communication.   

College of Wooster Mission, Vision, and Values

Campus Voting Guide

Campus Events

Campus Events Calendar

Friday, September 13, 3-5 pmSex on the Quad” Sponsored by Community Health Promotion & Peer Health Education. Information on Voting, Reproductive Healthcare Rights, and Ballot Initiatives.

Tuesday, September 17, 7 pmThe Fight to End Gerrymandering” Retired Judge Maureen O’Connor. Gault Recital Hall, Scheide Music Center. Sponsored by the League of Women Voters.

Wednesday, September 25, 7 pm “Polarization, Misinformation, and Civil Discourse in U.S. Politics” the Alley, Lowry Center.

Save the Date: Thursday, Oct 10, 2024 - 6:30pm LWV of Wayne County Candidates' Night 2024. Questions & Answers with candidates for wayne county commissioner, state representatives, representative to US Congress, Judge for Appeals Court. Shisler Conference Center - CFAES/OARDC

Organizational Team Membership & Contacts

The planning committee has designated contacts for different themes. Please reach out to the noted individual(s) for specific questions on these areas of focus or the Deans’ offices for general inquiries or to share events/resources with the Planning Team.


Ashley Reid               Interim Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students

Sarah Sobeck            Dean for Faculty Development & Professor of Chemistry

Understanding Politics with Political Science

Michele Leiby             Associate Professor of Political Science

Voter Engagement

Elora Agsten              Learning Engagement Librarian

Meg Wrobel               Assistant Professor of Political Science

Civil Discourse

Julia Zimmer              Director of Lowry Center & Student Activities

Mental Wellbeing & Resiliency

Kayla Campbell          CDEIO Program Coordinator

Rev. Erin Guzmán       Chaplain, Director of Religious & Spiritual Life

Anne Ober                  Director of Wellbeing and Counseling Services

Additional Resources

Quick Links to College Policies

Faculty Handbook

  • Chapter 1, Section 9 on Academic Freedom
  • Chapter 4C Resolution on Freedom of Expression & Inquiry

Scot’s Key

  • The Civility Statement
  • Statement on Freedom of Expression & Inquiry
  • Classroom Atmosphere Policy

College of Wooster Policies & Procedures

  • Partisan Political Activity with the College of Wooster Facilities
  • Non-Discrimination Policy

External Resources & Guides

Campus Guides

  • PEN America’s Campus Free Speech Guide

Classroom Focused

Civil Discourse

Supporting Resiliency & Mental Health

Additional External Organizations & Resource Collections

This website is maintained by the Dean for Faculty Development at the College of Wooster. Contact me if you have questions or suggestions. Dr. Christa Craven: ccraven@wooster.edu