Research & Writing

Looking for camaraderie to spur on your writing goals? Join us for Wooster Writes – an informal gathering of faculty & staff focused on writing of all kinds. Over the Summer, we meet weekly, Wednesdays 9am-Noon at Lilly House (1452 Beall Avenue). All faculty have swipe access to the Lilly House space, which offers large tables, quiet nooks, and snacks and caffeination to keep you motivated. Feel free to make use of it at other time as well.

If you would like to connect with others to set up times to meet, please join the Wooster Writes Team.

The following are articles and resources that have inspired previous participants. Get in touch with the DFD to suggest others to add to the list:

Look for more Writing & Research Resources from the NCFDD (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity) — look up our institutional membership under The College of Wooster (and launch your free individual membership with your wooster email)

This website is maintained by the Dean for Faculty Development at the College of Wooster. Contact me if you have questions or suggestions. Dr. Christa Craven: