Professional Development Lunches

Thursdays, 11:45am-12:45pm in the Tartan Room (Lunch Tickets @ 11:30am)
All Faculty & Staff are invited!
Resources for each event will be available in the Academic Professional Development (APD) Microsoft Team. You can also use the APD Team Calendar to see future event topics and add individual events to your calendar (or the full series).

Celebration of Scholarship Series

Faculty Research Gatherings
Select Fridays, 4-6pm, Kauke 305

2024-2025 Schedule

September 6: Lee McBride (Philosophy)
Creative Rebelliousness and Method-Making

October 4: Alfredo Zúñiga (Neuroscience)
Deciphering the Hippocampal Code: Investigating Memory Mechanisms at the College of Wooster

November 1: Sofia Visa (Computer Science)
Modeling the Shapes of Eggplant Fruits in 278 Cultivars

February 7: Beth Muellner (German Studies)
On the Possibility of Sympathetic Collaboration at Court: Carmen Sylva and Mite Kremnitz

March 7: Erum Haider (Political Science & Environmental Studies)

April 4: Matthew Broda (Education)

May 2: Senior Research Symposium (all day)

* All faculty, and staff in APEX, CDI, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Educational Technology, and the Wellness Center receive announcements about professional development events in the DFD Digest newsletter. If you are a staff member outside of these offices & would like to receive more information, we’re happy to add you! Please let the DFD know, and we’ll add you to our Professional Development list.

This website is maintained by the Dean for Faculty Development at the College of Wooster. Contact me if you have questions or suggestions. Dr. Christa Craven: