Professional Development Events

Professional Development Lunches

Thursdays, 12-12:45pm in the Tartan Room (Lunch Tickets @ 11:45am)
All Faculty & Staff are invited!
Resources for each event will be available in the Academic Professional Development (APD) Microsoft Team. You can also use the APD Team Calendar tab to see future event topics and add individual events to your calendar (or the full series).

February 20: Intercultural Dialogues
Jake Marion, Director of Equity & Inclusion
Erin Guzmán, Interfaith Chaplain and Director of Religious & Spiritual Life
Scott Parillo, Director of International Student Services

Inter-cultural dialogue entails the sharing of ideas and differences between individuals and groups belonging to different cultures with the intent of developing a deeper understanding of different perspectives and practices.  Come learn about inter-cultural dialogue framings, best practices, and current and planned initiatives related to this part of our strategic plan.

February 25: Keeping our Eyes on the Prize (Tuesday)
Tammy Kernodle, University Distinguished Professor of Music at Miami University
Join our Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, Tammy Kernodle of Miami University, for a conversation about tackling difficult topics in the classroom and curriculum. In a particularly divisive time, how do we continue to pursue decolonization, antiracism, and other important work? We will engage in an active dialogue to share strategies and approaches.

March 6: No Professional Development Lunch

March 13: AI in the Classroom
Emily Armour, Educational Technologist: Learning & Pedagogy Applications Specialist
Jon Breitenbucher, Director of Educational and Emerging Technologies

Celebration of Scholarship Series – Faculty Research Gatherings
Select Fridays, 4:15-6pm, Kauke 305

Spring 2025 Schedule

February 7: Beth Muellner (German Studies)
On the Possibility of Sympathetic Collaboration at Court: Carmen Sylva and Mite Kremnitz

March 7: Erum Haider (Political Science & Environmental Studies) Rewiring Citizenship: Public Goods and Privatization in South Asia

April 4: Matt Mariola (Environmental Studies) & Hilary Edgington (Biology) “Maintaining a Successful Campus Garden: The Why is as Important as the How”

May 2: Senior Research Symposium (all day)

* All faculty, and staff in APEX, CDI, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Educational Technology, and the Wellness Center receive announcements about professional development events in the DFD Digest newsletter. If you are a staff member outside of these offices & would like to receive more information, we’re happy to add you! Please let the DFD know, and we’ll add you to our Professional Development list.

This website is maintained by the Dean for Faculty Development at the College of Wooster. Contact me if you have questions or suggestions. Dr. Christa Craven: